Kuala Lumpur city center is constantly building new skyscrapers, in tiny little plots of land, even though there's only 60% occupancy. Developers are banking on KL becoming a big economic success, probably with reason given all the international corporations here.
So, the Ascott Hotel we're staying in is right next to two big construction sites next to the Petronas towers. Well-located, with a great view of the city center park, but loud with construction til 10 at nite. Not that we'd notice, since we are usually passed out by 5pm, dead to the world.
The kids wake up so early (midnight) that they watch 2 movies, hear the local mosque call to prayer at 5:45, go to the 6:30am breakfast, swim, hit the nearby playground, all before 8:30am. They we try to squeeze in one city activity before they hit their wall at noon and pass out by 3pm. Last night was a coup since we kept them up til 6pm! They were begging to go to bed. When does that ever happen?
Not good news for us as visitors!! How will we do it in 2 weeks.