July 30, 2010
We rode a boat then hiked to the rapids called Lata Berkoh in Taman Nagara park. Griffin was exhausted after his jungle overnite but still ran at the end of the hike to the rapids. He jumped along the rocks on the riverside, and Ken ran to catch up to him, with Alice and Boom in tow. I prepped the lunch.
I watched from the riverside as Griffin lost hold of a rock, when crossing between two large rocks, and he started being sucked into the rapids. Ken couldn't see that he'd fallen in but thank god Alice did. She yelled at Ken that Griffin had fallen in and Ken ran to catch Griffin before he was sucked into the very dangerous rapids. Ken had to get around a big rock then fight his way through the rocky river, leaving bruises, to get Griffin.
At the same time, Griffin was unable to stop getting sucked by the strong current, until he had a brilliant moment. He turned over and started doing the backstroke as fast as he could against the current right before going over, just to stay in place until Ken got to him. At the same time, I was screeching to Ken and crying as I raced across many rocks trying to figure out where to jump into the next level of rapids to intercept him (somehow, I'm still not sure how I'd get through that white water to him in time), if Ken missed him. Then, Ken grabbed him, right before he was sucked into the rapids flow.
I sobbed. Griffin sobbed. Ken held him then sat stunned for a little while. We all came to shore, then finally really read the sign warning us not to swim there (see above). Griffin sat in my arms for a bit while Ken took the kids to a safe swimming area.
Then, Griffin stood up to join Ken, grabbing the tree next to him and started screeching again. I had no idea what was wrong til he showed me his hand and pointed at the tree. There was the largest stinging caterpillar we've ever seen. And, those stings hurt. I slowly picked off the hundred stinging thorn-like hairs from his hand.
As we went over the day, we realized Griffin had been lost in the jungle, almost sucked down rapids, and grabbed a huge stinging caterpillar...all in one jungle day.
I'm at a loss for any words!!