Thursday, September 23, 2010

Griffin's New Friends

September 23, 2010

My new friends are Mateo and Felipe from Argentina. I have had three playdates with Felipe and two with Mateo. And a few pool playdates with them. Today they came over and played legos with me. We wrestled a little and had a lot of fun. They are both short. Felipe is very funny and weird. It's hard to understand their accent. All the same, I like them.

I was invited to my first birthday party by them. It'll be a soccer party this weekend. Felipe is in second grade. Mateo is in fourth grade. They live in the tower connected to ours and ride on the bus with us. How I got my friendship with Mateo was because he sits right next to me on the bus everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great Grif. Hope you're not too tough on them on the soccer field! Love you, Lisa
