July 10, 2010
A luwak is a small, cat-like mammal that loves to eat coffee beans in Bali. The beans ferment in their little bellies then they poop them out. The product is a fermented, pooped bean that is hot, hot, hot in the coffee market. Poop coffee, more formally known as Luwak Coffee, goes for $10 a cup in NYC these days. With trepidation, we were eventually convinced to try some poop coffee for a mere $5. Lo and behold, it was smoother and less bitter. No, really, they repeated often, the beans were thoroughly cleaned before roasting.
PS Don't worry, the picture of Griffin is not off his drinking poop coffee. It's just fresh hot cocoa he's drinking.
it's hilarious that people are conned into paying $10 a cup for poop coffee, or for paying $3 a cup for regular coffee, but triple that for poop coffee? hahaha!